Odesa region

Main city:
58°F (14°C)
Local time: Wed 1:09 PM
Odessa was founded in 1794 by decree of Catherine II in the very west of Russian Empire (Novorossiysk Territory). The Russian empress decided that the country needed a port on the Black Sea for trade with Europe. She entrusted the project of building a port city and a new fortress to the Dutch military engineer Franz de Vollan. Franz de Vollan tried to embody the principles of ancient Roman urban planning. Successfully located geographically, Odessa quickly turned into a commercial, industrial and scientific center of European importance. Already in 1984, Odessa took 4th place in the Russian Empire in terms of population and level of economic development after St. Petersburg, Moscow and Warsaw. Odessa is one of the most picturesque cities of Ukraine with its rich history, architecture and culture. Odessa is a port and resort city that, with open arms, received adventurous and talented migrants from France, Italy and the rest of Europe. Their creativity is reflected in the architectural shape of Odessa. Here, every street and house has its own special family history - sometimes intriguing, funny, and sometimes very sad. The combination of magnificent sea air, the sunny climate of the Black Sea coast and the stunning hospitality of local residents make Odessa a popular holiday destination. In the summer months the city is filled with colorful motley masses of tourists. People walk along the embankments until the morning and enjoy the romantic sounds of the surf, sunbathe on the beaches and enjoy visiting the historical places of Odessa.
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Local Weather:
Overcast Clouds, 58°F (14°C) Wind SW at 5.95 mph (9.58 kmh), 53.0% Humidity